Seniors make last year memories at cap and gown distribution
Photo courtesy of: Ashley Khimani
Principal Brian Fellows helps hand out caps and gowns to seniors.
On Oct. 14, graduating seniors had the opportunity to pick up their caps and gowns in a “drive-thru” format. Teachers and administration stood outside at the bus ramp as seniors and their families drove by to pick up their graduation items. School administrator Hope Parham organized the event to be not only a drive-thru, but also a socially distant event.
“Seniors were able to drive up to the bus ramp and pick up their cap and gown. The class sponsors provided music, the school mascot, and the option to play games from their car. It was a lot of fun!” Parham said.
Many seniors participated by going during the certain time in which they were handing out caps and gowns, including senior Olivia Yarema.
“It was an experience unique to the class of 2021 that I’m grateful to have gotten to experience,” Yarema said.
Yarema thought the event was a fun and inviting way for seniors to still have the experience of picking up their caps and gowns.
“I think they tried really hard to try and make this year as normal as possible and by finding a safe and easy way for us to get our cap and gowns in time for convocation. It helped us have a normal experience,” Yarema said. “I think they did what they could to make it safe by having us wear masks and staying outside.”
The school faculty and staff are hoping the seniors will be able to come back and make a few
more memories at the school before they graduate.
“We miss having the senior events in the building. Class sponsors and staff have been creative in making each moment memorable,” Parham said.