Humans of Deep Run: Danielle Harker
March 5, 2021

“Back in February last year, I got diagnosed with mild autism. I feel like I have a good understanding of what the neurodivergent community at Deep Run goes through [compared to] someone neurotypical. […] My plan after high school and after college is to become a teacher. I’m considering either doing special education or elementary school. I’m more leaning towards special education since I’ve been in the program, and I know how the kids feel and how to best help them.”
“The main activity at school I do is chorus […] I am in both VU and CB. […] It is a whole lot different doing it virtually than in-person. Usually, in person, we would be next to people in the same voice section […], but I had to adjust to not having someone sing next to me and instead sing by myself and in my own home. I had so much anxiety the first day we sang virtually, but I eventually found a way to lower that anxiety down by finding a safe spot in my house to sing.”