Humans of Deep Run: Rachel Danneman
June 16, 2021
“I worked at the Richmond International Raceway to help vaccinate the HCPS community, and I continue to work at the mass clinics to vaccinate the public. It has been really uplifting to see our community pull together to make these mass clinics work like a well-oiled machine. I worked alongside the fire departments, EMTs, law enforcement officers, and even volunteers from local hospitals and the response was impressive. I had many patients crying tears of joy. […] I love helping people. I actually got a degree in Biology from VCU and was working in a laboratory after college. I was working with patient data but never the actual patient and I felt like something was missing. I remember one specific lab work showed results indicating possible cancer and I just remember thinking I wish I could be there to actually support this person through their diagnosis. I found a local college that was specific to the nursing career, Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing, and began my journey to become a nurse. It was the best decision. Nursing is an essential job (the pandemic showed us that!) and there are so many pathways you can take once you have your Bachelor’s degree. I started out in the hospital and then moved to school nursing and I couldn’t be any happier. And if I ever feel like I need a change, nursing will provide tons of options for me – have I convinced you to become a nurse, yet?!”