Senior Night provides alternative celebration for grads

Seniors Sam Soltanian sings karaoke at the event.

Hares Mirbacha, Staff Writer

Since the beginning of the pandemic, many students have been negatively affected, especially seniors. Enduring four tiring years of hard work to have a virus strip away your freedom and the deserved events that come with being a senior can be very discouraging.

   Since prom was canceled this year, administrator Hope Parham, along with the help of junior class sponsor Jessica Stockdreher and senior class sponsors Nicole Kessinger and Kareem Texler, organized and planned Senior Night.

   Senior Night was a prom-like event to celebrate the senior class since they missed out on so many special events in their senior year. The event was composed of three parts.

   Seniors were able to enjoy “a dance area with a DJ in the courtyard, a karaoke DJ in the Commons, and a hangout on the football field,” Texler said. “Seniors also had the chance to sign the Senior Wall.”

   The event was free for students because it was covered by funds from the Senior Class, SCA, PTSO, and the sale of senior class shirts earlier in the year.

   Due to Covid restrictions, the school was only allowed to host a limited number of people at a time, so students were required to sign up in shifts and were not allowed to interact with members of other shifts of students. 

   There were a total of six groups who arrived at the school in shifts with 90-minute intervals in between each group’s arrival.

   “Nothing compares to a traditional prom with hundreds of people, but I think this alternative event was a success,” said Texler. “A lot of students were dancing, singing, and hanging out with friends. The school was decorated really well. And for many students, this was the last time they will be in Deep Run. I think it was a worthwhile experience.”

    Other than the hot weather at the beginning of the event, there were no major complications during the event. Overall it was a joyous event for seniors to come and make up for lost time.