On March 15 and16, our very own Student Council Association (SCA) traveled to the Virginia Student Council Association (VSCA) meeting, which is the group comprised of SCA members in Virginia. This is an event where schools and their SCAs or chosen student leaders all come together to exchange ideas and brainstorm how to make aspects of their respective schools better.
In order to be chosen to go, students must have shown a lot of responsibility through their time on the SCA, as well as some sort of leadership role, and students have been a part of the student council.
While at the meeting, students were able to exchange many ideas with the Virginia region, as well as listen to speeches from highly credible speakers about topics such as leadership, confidence, the education system, and a Q&A between students and Virginia Board of Education representative Dr. Amber Norther.
“It’s amazing how you get to meet and collaborate with all different kinds of people and learn from them. The best part was a keynote speaker whose words really stood out to me and affected me while I was there,” junior Sripath Morshetty said.
Any grade is eligible to go on this trip as long as they meet the requirements previously stated, therefore, students have the opportunity to go year after year if they wanted to.
“I would love to go on this trip again because it helped me strengthen my leadership skills and it also let me get so much closer with my SCA. It was a great experience for us to spend time together as a group on the bus, at the hotel, and while eating meals because it allowed us to get to know each other better,” freshman Lauren Quann said.
The leaders also attended many different leadership workshops that we got to select based on what we think our school needs more help on. Besides all the leadership work, they also participated in the pep rally and service project.