This school year the Deep Run Literary Magazine will compete in the 2024 Virginia High School League (VHSL) magazine competition. At the end of the school year, the magazine will be submitted to and judged at the VHSL state championships based in Harrisonburg, Virginia.
“Not only are we submitting our magazine into the competition, but we will also submit a portfolio of writing for Deep Run to the Creative Writing Competition,” English teacher and club sponsor Lesley St. James said. “That will include two poems, two short stories, and two pieces of creative nonfiction.”
The Literary Magazine compiles submitted student work in various creative areas, such as writing, photography, art, and other media. Every piece submitted by students this year will be considered for the Creative Writing Competition.
“We really want as many people to submit as possible in order to have a really diverse literary magazine and have a big pool to choose from for the Creative Writing Competition,” St. James said.
Even though the Literary Magazine has been at Deep Run for several years, this is the first year the editors have entered it into the VHSL competition.
“Our literary magazines in the past have checked off a lot of points in the VHSL rubric, so we thought that we should submit our magazine this year,” senior and Editor-in-Chief Vaidehi Murthy said.
Murthy believes that entering this competition might shed more light on the many talented students at Deep Run.
“I would love for the artists and writers at our school to gain more recognition, and it may motivate more people to join the Literary Magazine,” Murthy said.