“My life consists of daily competitive cheerleading practices, All Star club cheerleading practices, volunteering at the local SPCA, and often arts and crafts types of stuff. I started volunteering at the SPCA at 14 years old helping young children with how to treat the dogs and play with them. This would be amusing for and lift the spirits of the animals. I really enjoy my time volunteering there each summer. As of my passion for arts and crafts, I’ve grown up watching my mom paint portraits for around the house, and my grandmother would always do stuff like quilting and water colors. She would always make quilts for children in the foster care system and often use her art to better our community. Those two for sure inspired my love for art; because of them, I do daily art-bullet journaling and I write letters for businesses using calligraphy and have such a passion for the craft. I love using that ability of mine to help people. As for sports, I was a gymnast for most of my life and a few years back started at a club program for cheerleading, and I now am on the competition and sideline team for our school. I love all of my busy passions and look forward to bettering myself with them. This is why I am a human of Deep Run.”